Strictly Business (Cards)
They may be small in comparison to other printed marketing solutions but make no mistake; the business card can be a very, very powerful tool.
Business cards have been around since the 17th century when they were first used to announce the arrival of aristocratic people in the local towns or home.

The purpose of a business card has evolved over time and is now commonly recognised as a way for business owners and employees to network with other business contacts and customers. They are a powerful tool in opening doors and growing your own personal network.
In a world that is becoming more and more digital in communications; the business card has managed to stand the test of time in countries all over the world. We are even starting to see the business card evolve with more luxury designs and bespoke business cards that really make an impact.

Business cards give users a platform with which to share information with those contacts that they want to build a working relationship with. They can include anything from a logo and business name to personal name, phone number or email address. More modern business cards may even mention social media profiles and there have been some great examples of QR codes being used with business cards.

Business cards however do differ in size across the world and this may be something worth considering for the next global trade show or conference that you are planning to attend. Most countries have a number of standard sizes that they use for business cards although there does often tend to be one size that is most popular with card users.
The 3 most popular sizes in the UK are:
1. 85mm(w) x 55mm(h)
2. 90mm(w) x 50mm(h)
3. 90mm(w) x 55mm(h)
The following diagram shows the variation of dimensions in business cards around the world with a range of 80 – 91mm in width and 45 – 57mm in height.

Below is a table of standard business card dimensions for different countries around the world. The table also includes bleed dimensions and this is important when designing your business card as you will want to ensure all your information falls within these bleed dimensions. Common bleed sizes are 1/8th inch for North America and 3mm for rest of world.