Printed Leaflets

Printed leaflets are a huge part of the marketing mix for many businesses. Whether they’re used in stand-alone leaflet promotions or as part of larger marketing campaigns, leaflets remain an incredibly popular form of advertising.
They come in many shapes and sizes. Good leaflets work but poorly conceived and printed leaflets are discarded immediately or ignored completely.
If you want to make sure your leaflet is the type that works there a few simple rules you can follow to give you the best chance of success.
Remember the three essentials!
Any effective leaflet must do three things well:
1. Grab attention The cover design and headline must immediately grab the attention or no one will bother to read your leaflet.
2. Generate interest Having attracted attention, your next job is to generate interest in your brand, product or service with well-written, professionally designed engaging content.
3. Call to action
Finally, the leaflet should persuade the reader to act. This can mean contacting you for more details, visiting your premises, viewing your online store or simply registering for information.
Be clear in the purpose of your leaflet!
If you want a reader to order a brochure, make it easy for them with clear instructions and contact details. If you’re promoting an event or a particular location, include a map and easy to follow directions. If your leaflet is advertising a particular product, where and how can the reader find out more? A good, clear message is essential and you’d be surprised how often this can get lost by the time a leaflet has gone to print, so keep your purpose firmly in mind throughout the entire process.
Tracking promotions and marketing is vital in helping any business find out what works. If your leaflet has a redeemable voucher you can easily track how successful the campaign has been. If the call to action takes the reader online, include a password or code. If your distribution is split between mail drops and point of sale use different vouchers or codes for leaflets used in each method.
With modern digital printing, you can number and personalise print easily and cost-effectively.
When you know what print works best, you can target your next campaign even more successfully.